Cunningham Eves Solicitors is a Surrey-based law firm with offices in Leatherhead and Dorking. The firm was launched by Richard and Christine in 2020...

Richard Cunningham
Managing Partner
I first worked with Christine in Guildford in 2011, since then we have developed a fantastic working partnership. Apart from being a property solicitor of the highest quality, she is the ideal role model for our growing team. Christine recognises the importance of treating everyone as a human being, of taking the time to understand other people’s points of view and of valuing the contribution of every individual.
Let’s start with the basics, if you are dealing in property you should speak to Christine before you do anything else. She is an expert in every sense of the word and whether it’s freehold, leasehold, Help to Buy, Right to Buy, complex financing, development, options or even just a missing square foot of garden land, Christine will be able to provide detailed, accessible advice that makes sense and clearly sets out the decisions to be considered.
Of course, there is another side to Christine which includes a love of dogs, the colour teal, celebrity gossip and her numerous friends and family. Christine is a very sociable person which makes her a pleasure to deal with. She brings her own unique perspective to Cunningham Eves and the place is all the brighter for it.
I would not hesitate to recommend Christine to anyone whose question refers to property. I have always been grateful for her wise counsel, loyalty and friendship.

Christine Eves
Senior Partner
When Richard and I started Cunningham Eves Solicitors in 2020, we had worked together for 11 of the 15 years that he had specialised in property law. Richard knows everything about what we do but he also has that rare quality, not a lot of solicitors have, to be able to manage and inspire anyone who wants to work hard and learn. He is a born leader. He takes the time to teach, he protects his team, he seems to be able to keep a cool head in the fast paced and stressful world of property transactions. The ultimate professional, whose past clients would agree, can think outside the box and get the results his clients require efficiently.
It has been an honour and a privilege to team up with Richard in this new venture that we have talked about and dreamed of for the past 10 years. The opportunity to implement our modern and effective ways of working without the rigmarole of old fashioned or self interested management. Richard is proactive and he always takes the initiative and has turned holding tricky transactions together into an art-form that he has perfected.
Outside of work Richard loves to play and watch cricket and has recently rediscovered his passion for golf. I’m pretty sure it is because he gets to indulge another passion of his, clothes shopping! Yellow being his favourite colour, I thought that having sold his bright yellow car there would not be anything else that he might be able to adorn in yellow, but alas, he has now purchased a few pairs of yellow golfing trousers! He also has a pretty packed social and family life, throughout lockdown his football cohort reverted to a Monday evening on Zoom for a sociable chat. He now accepts that his sporting capabilities are likely to go in only one direction and he has decided he prefers the social and coaching side of all the sports he loved to play.